
Productivity Boost through Management Systems

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Improvement in Throughput
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Improvement in Equipment Uptime


Poor labor Productivity and equipment downtime had translated into declining profitability for 18 months prior to our engagement.  In addition, increasingly random maintenance emergencies had become a catalyst to sudden production schedule changes and an unbalanced workforce.  Management and Supervisory coverage was not correctly distributed across the one million square foot facility that operated 24/7, leading to consistently poor production performance and customer service levels.


Synergetics completed an implementation project that would focus on the following deliverables:

  • Installed Management Operating System (MOS) tools to track performance and identify improvement opportunities
  • Train front line supervisors on basic leadership and Lean principles
  • Reconfigure line layouts and balance work activity to maximize labor utilization
  • Established pre-staged Kanban lanes with BOM components for each production work cell
  • Design and installed MRO inventory management system to control inventory, reduce costs, and reduce obsolete / expired material with ABC analysis
  • Identified and cataloged 15,000+ critical spare parts to minimize lost time searching for parts
  • Implement Preventative Maintenance program for equipment reliability and up time improvement
  • Installed Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS) to monitor PM completions

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